About Us
The Cambridge Flying Group
The Cambridge Flying Group offers a rare opportunity to anyone, whether experienced or just starting, to enjoy classic flying in a way that few can. It has built a remarkable hands-on approach that has grown from its roots as a voluntary organisation.
The Cambridge Flying Group came together 70 years ago with the closing of RAFVR 22 RFS in 1953. Sir Athur Marshall then gave Bill Ison permission to operate the Cambridge Private Flying Group from Marshall’s Cambridge airfield; the Cambridge Flying Group still carries the No. 22 to this day.
It all started with “a tatty Taylorcraft aeroplane”, no water point, a hangar with no end door and a handful of instructors. A Tiger Moth G-ANLG was acquired in 1954 but lost at Luton in 1958. G-ANLG was followed by two Tigers G-AHIZ acquired from Panshangar in 1956 and G-AOEI from the Shuttleworth Collection in 1957.
G-AOEI saw service with the British Expeditionary Force in 1939-1940, leaving France within a couple of days of Dunkirk. Her history makes it a privilege to be able to fly one of the two remaining airworthy aeroplanes from that time.
Alongside flying activities, there is a thriving social side to the Group with chances to network, socialise and join in with all sorts of events; including various gatherings and sorties with and without the actual aircraft such as the “Lobster Run”, the “French Trip” and others.